I spent so many years of my life sad and alone - trying to figure out what was wrong with me and so ashamed that I could not "fix it" myself. I am a strong woman. I am an independent ...woman. But I lived a double life for too many years trying to portray to the world this "perfect little life" - all the while dying inside.
This week is Mental Illness Awareness Week and now more than ever we need to address the facts of Mental Health and break through the stigma attached to Mental Illness.
FACT - Your brain is an organ. Just like any other organ, it can get sick. When it gets sick, it needs medication.
My father had diabetes. He needed insulin to survive. He was not ashamed to take the insulin for his illness. No one told him to just "get over it" when his sugar levels spiked.
It is time to treat mental health the same as physical health. People with a chemical imbalance or other mental health disorder are capable of living perfectly normal and quite sucessful lives (contrary to what the media would have you believe).
I refuse to stand in the shadows and pretend this illness doesn't exist. I refuse to be defined by my illness.
If you are suffering with depression or anxiety, please understand there is hope. You are not alone.
Together we can break through the stigma of mental illness.
Together we can stand Stigma Free!