In a world where people are constantly trying to put God into a box, I wanted to share what I felt was God's human side. At that time, it seemed most preachers were all about the "fire and brimstone" but I saw so much more when I thought about my God and my Savior. I saw love. I saw compassion. I saw a warm embrace.
I am sharing this poem for the first time on the Internet.'
It is simply entitled:
Looking out into my world, I am taken aback
All the wars; the pain
Lives lost to others
I listen to people talk;
They blame me;
Why do they always blame me?
I watch them, oh, so closely
Trying to steer them, to guide them
But I cannot take them someplace
They are not yet ready to go
A young child dies; a woman cries out to me
"Why? Why did you let this happen?"
I try to explain, there are reasons
The child was not yet ready to live
He had a purpose to serve elsewhere
But the woman cannot understand
She blames me
Why do they always blame me?
A man at the alter prays for help
He has fallen and asks for forgiveness
So I help him
But when he falls again
He will blame me
Why do they always blame me?
A war breaks out; lives are lost
A young woman in love pleas for help
"Why do you let this war happen?"
"Why do you make your people suffer?"
Can't they see? Can't they understand?
I cry, when they shed tears
I hurt, when they feel pain
And I laugh, when they smile
Yet they seldom smile anymore
And they blame me
I want to tell them
Look at yourselves, see what you're doing
I can steer you and guide you
But I cannot lead your mind
Through death, you find life
Through pain, you find love
I will not let you down
I will not let you fall
But still,
You always blame me.
Written by Terri Karch
Spring 1986