I am a firm believer in Technology and have seen the many positive effects it has had on society. My family lives in another state and we do not get the opportunity to see each other as much as we would like so Facebook is a great way to stay connected. My husband and I have owned a construction company for over 20 years and the ease of selling a spec home on Zillow has greatly enhanced our business opportunities. As a parent, I am more at ease knowing my children have a cell phone with them at all times in case of emergencies.
Yes, technology has certainly made our lives easier but whether it has made our lives BETTER is still open for debate. Let's discuss specifically social media. Most young kids today cannot remember a time without Facebook or Twitter or Instagram. Our lives are being played out on line and we cannot even remember the moments from those photos because we are too busy getting just the right "selfie".
And what exactly do we put on social media? What exactly do those "selfie's" represent? I can pretty much assure you that what you are seeing on line is not an accurate representation of that person's life. You see, social media allows us to post things that only WE want the world to know about us - which often means hiding the reality of our lives.
Just because someone's life appears perfect on Facebook does not make it so. We often get discouraged or even depressed because we think we are the only ones going through this mess called life but the reality is everyone has trials - everyone falls - even if they don't admit it on Facebook.
So my challenge to you today? Let's start a campaign. A "Keeping It Real" campaign. I'm not asking you to post your most intimate secrets but just be real when posting to social media. I made a promise to myself when I began speaking about my life and battles with depression that I would always be transparent and I would always be real. I think I embarrass my kids sometimes with my brutal honesty but, hey, the truth is the truth, right?
I want us to embrace one another - differences, shortcomings, failures and successes. We need to know from each other that it's okay to be scared. It's okay to be nervous. It's okay to feel like the entire world is crashing in around you. Because we have been there and we made it through.
Let's use social media as a POSITIVE outlook - a campaign for real people. Real people have flaws. Real people have cellulite. Real people have tired eyes. Real people have messy hair. Real people have money problems. Real people have family problems. Real people lose their jobs. Real people have big hearts to share with one another.
I, for one, am making the commitment to post positive but real comments on my Facebook page. To be honest, it would take way too much time and way too much energy to try to keep up with the image that some people portray on social media.
I think I will just stick with being Terri. It's the only person I know how to be and I am quite happy with that.
Leave a comment and let me know if you will join me in my "Keeping it Real" campaign.