You see it everyday in the newspapers, on TV or in Social Media. The "ideal" woman. Ideal according to whom? Just who is this "they" creating this ideal woman and what exactly is their expertise in this area?
Did "they" spend dozens of years interviewing people across the country asking what their idea of the perfect woman would be? Did "they" graduate from an Ivy League school with a degree in The Perfect Women?
Just what exactly gives them the right to tell other people what the ideal woman should be? Since when do we feel the obligation as women to live up to an impossible standard created by someone who has absolutely no interest nor bearing in our lives?
Ladies, we have got to stop. We have to stop listening to the "theys" of this world. The "theys" who tell you that you are only attractive if you look a certain way. The "they's" who tell you that your only value is placed in how you look or what clothes you wear. The "they's" who would make you place your self worth in the amount of likes you receive from a photo on Social Media.
We are more than that. We are much more than that.
Our value is not placed in what other people think of us but in what we think of ourselves. God made each one of us to be unique so stop selling yourself short by trying to fit into a mold that God did not create for you!
You are beautiful just the way you are. Don't ever feel insecure because you don't look like someone else. Don't ever feel you have less value because of the trials you have endured. Even in your brokenness, there is still a message - a testimony - to be heard.
We have got to stop allowing "them" to control who we are and how we feel about ourselves. God made you exactly the way you are for a reason - don't ever doubt His plan for your life. Do you know what is truly beautiful? Confidence. Compassion. Love. Sharing. Giving. Those are the things that truly make us human.
And if anyone ever figures out who "they" are, would you mind sharing with me? I would like to share my own ideas on that whole "ideal woman" thing......
Be strong! Be individual! Embrace your own uniqueness!