I get it. I really do. I spent many years caught up in my own depression and insecurity and the only way to make myself feel better was to tear someone else down. And so that is what I did. I hurt a lot of people and ruined a lot of friendships because of my arrogance and insecurity.
I gossiped. I "embellished" the truth (okay, I lied). I did whatever it took to make myself look good and feel superior - the entire time hoping somehow I would start to feel better.
The biggest problem with my plan? It never made me feel better! In fact, it only made me feel worse. I cluttered my life with drama and strife while the whole time praying that God would take these problems away from me.
God wants us to be happy. He wants us to enjoy a fruitful and productive life. But we cannot do that if we continuously tear each other down.
Worrying about what someone else is doing in their life is not going to make your life any better. I just heard a new country song on the radio (my son loves country music) and the chorus says "mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy". I love that!
We have got to start living our own lives and stop tearing each other down. Let me let you in on a little secret - you will never be able to advance in your own life until you start building people up instead of tearing them down.
If someone in your life is successful, don't gossip about how they got there - be happy for them. If someone you know has fallen, don't kick them harder or gloat - pick them up.
It is time to become women of character - women who choose to take the high road - women who choose to raise each other up instead of tearing each other down.
Life is hard, my beautiful friends, so stop making it even harder.
You are unique. You are beautiful. You are loved.
Now pass it on.